Distressed Foundation Investigation

Our distressed foundation investigation services help our clients figure out the probable causes and provide economical repair solutions for structures built on fills, expansive soils, weak soils, hydro-collapsible soils, at the tops and toes of hills or mountains, on a slope, or in an active land sliding area that often exhibit cracks, separations, uneven slabs, or inclined walls.

If you are experiencing any of these issues, it is important to get them checked out by a professional. Our team of experts can help you identify the root cause of the problem and provide you with the best possible solution. We offer a range of services including distressed foundation investigation, subsurface investigation, laboratory testing, construction observation, field testing and monitoring, and rockfall investigation.

Residential Home Inspection Ground Movement

Ground Movement

Cracks, uneven slabs or floors, or inclined walls are indicators of ground movements. Ground movement can be three dimensional.

Structural Cracks or Separation

Structural cracks or separations are often caused by foundation movement. Foundation underpinning is usually an expensive option to mitigate these cracks or separations. However, other options are available if you give us a chance to take a look at it. 

Residential Home Inspection Structural Cracks